Season Tickets
To purchase a season ticket, you do not need to register with MiPermit. You can simply use this system to make your purchase.
However, registering a full account with MiPermit gives additional control over your season tickets if your local authority/supplier allows features such as editing which vehicle the season ticket is applied to, reminders to renew etc. Also if your local authority or supplier adopt further MiPermit services in your area, you'll automatically see these new services and be ready to use them.
Once you have purchased your season ticket, we will email you a receipt. In the receipt there will be a PIN that you can use to log in to MiPermit to complete the registration process if desired.
Purchasing Season Tickets

Without an Account
As an account is not required to purchase season tickets, simply go to the link provided by your local authority/supplier and fill in the application form.
You will need to provide your name and address, a season ticket type, the vehicle registration number(s) and payment details to purchase your season tickets.
Once purchased we will send an email confirmation of your season ticket, plus any additional information as needed.
With an Account
If you have already used MiPermit for other services such as Cashless Parking, login to your providers portal using your mobile number and PIN, and look for the Services menu option.
The services page will show you what types of services your provider has available, and allow you to sign up for those services.
Once purchased we will send an email confirmation of your season ticket, plus any additional information as needed.
Using Your Season Tickets
MiPermit employ a fully electronic ticket system. This means that whether it be Cashless Parking, or any other of our services, you do not need to display a paper permit/ticket in your vehicle.
All the details of your season ticket are synchronised with the local authority enforcement officer's hand-held devices so that they can see in real-time that you have a valid permit to park.
There may be some types of digital permits that are purchased through MiPermit but you will still receive a physical permit to display in the vehicle. These permits are identified as being paper permits when purchasing.