Cashless Pay & Stay Parking
For full details on using MiPermit please visit our knowledgebase site
MiPermit supply services to parking operators that enable cashless payments and ticketless parking. This means that locations supported by MiPermit can offer customers the ability to not having find change for parking and can pay by credit or debit card, as well as reducing waste by not requiring a paper ticket to be displayed. This also offers greater flexibility, you can extend your stay (if supported at the location) without having to return to your vehicle to put cash in the machine, or book parking up to 7 days in advance as part of your daily routine.
When you pay for your parking through MiPermit, your vehicle details are synchronised with the patrolling enforcement officers hand-held computers in real-time, so when the officer sees you are not displaying a paper ticket or permit, they check their hand-held and will find your vehicle has a valid stay attached to it.
Using a cashless service is fast, convenient and easy to manage. You can arrange your parking by telephone, SMS from your mobile, via our smartphone apps or online using a MiPermit portal.
Creating your stay using the Smartphone app
The MiPermit smartphone app for iOS/iPadOS and selected Android devices makes it even easier to create your parking. More information on the features of our smartphone app can be found in the MiPermit How To.

Creating your stay using a MiPermit portal

You can create your stays up to 7 days in advance by using a MiPermit portal as well as administer members, passwords and vehicles, and download VAT receipts for your parking.
For a comprehensive list of MiPermit portals, please visit the MiPermit Portal page.
By SMS - Using cashless parking for the first time
Send an SMS to 61600 with the word PARK and your vehicle registration number.
For example:
Our automated system will call you back for the following information.
- Car park location number
- Your payment card details
- Asked if you wish to receive an SMS reminder 20 minutes before the stay expires
If at anytime you have difficulty with the process, stay on the phone or press the star key and you will be transferred to one of the MiPermit team that will help you through the remainder of the process.
Once registered, you will be sent a PIN to use with your account.
By SMS - Existing customers that have already registered
There are multiple ways that you can use your cashless parking at participating locations. These are:
- Creating your stay by telephone
- Creating your stay by SMS
- Creating your stay online via an MiPermit portal
- Creating your stay using the iPhone app
Creating your stay by telephone
On arrival at a participating car park, call 0345 505 1155 from your mobile. Calls cost the standard national rate as set by your mobile provider and should be included in your minutes package.
If calling from a telephone that is not your registered mobile phone, you will be asked to enter your member number (mobile or landline number) and your four digit PIN.
- Enter the six digit location code using your keypad.
- Enter the duration required using your keypad.
- If you have more than one vehicle on your account, you will be asked to select the vehicle to use.
- Select whether to have an SMS reminder sent to you 20 minutes before the end of the stay.
- Stay on the phone until you get a message confirming the stay has been created.
To extend your stay by telephone
Call 0345 505 1155 from any telephone. If not using your registered mobile, you'll need to enter your mobile number and PIN. We'll detect if you already have a stay in progress and offer you to extend the stay.
Creating your stay by SMS
On arrival at a participating car park, send an SMS (text message, not an MMS or email) to 61600 with the word PARK and the location number and duration in hours or minutes.
For example:
PARK 702233 30mins
PARK 702233 2hrs
PARK 702233 1day
If you want to park for part-hours, and the location supports part-hours, you should state the duration in minutes.
For example, for the duration of one and a half hours:
PARK 702233 90mins
If you want to add a new vehicle to your account, or have more than one vehicle on your account already, you can stipulate which vehicle to use by adding the registration number to the end of the SMS.
For example:
PARK 702233 30mins T123EST
PARK 702233 2hrs T123EST
Please note that once you have more than one vehicle on your account, you will need to add the registration number of the vehicle you wish to park to all messages. If you do not, the system will take the last vehicle added to your account as default.
To extend your stay by SMS
If you need to extend your stay, you can do so by SMS or by logging in to a MiPermit portal. To extend, send an SMS to 61600 with the word EXTEND and the duration to extend by.
For example:
EXTEND 30mins
EXTEND 1hour
You will not be able to extend a stay past its opening hours, or if the location has a maximum stay limit.
What are the costs of this service?
It is free to register for MiPermit services. At point of registration you will be asked for your payment details but we do not take any payments from your payment method until you use the service. A card check will be performed by deferring 10p and cancelled so the funds are not taken. Some banks may show this as a pending transaction which may take a few days to clear.
The costs associated with this service are:
- Above the cost of parking, depending on the car park operator, you may be charged a small convenience fee per stay arranged. Any fees will be made clear on the signage in the location.
- Calls to our 0345 number cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and must count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls. For more information please see this OFCOM article.
- SMS costs are charged at the standard rate set out by your network provider. SMS reminders which we can send to you cost 10p per reminder sent and are attached to the cost of your stay.
- Season tickets and permits do not carry a convenience fee and are charged at the rate set out by the car park operator.