Carer Permit Registration

Carer Permits are available to residents receiving regular domiciliary care in their home. They enable informal, unpaid carers to park in permit holder parking bays while visiting the resident. These permits are not issued to paid, registered healthcare professionals.

Before completing this application please visit our resident permit webpage to check your property is included in a controlled parking zone.

To use this form to apply for a permit, we will need a copy of the following:

  • A letter from the residents doctor or care company, on their headed paper, stating that the applicant must receive either 24 hour care or continuous/daily care at their address due to their condition. (We do not expect applicants to pay for evidence and the type of condition or disability does not need to be disclosed.)

We will also need you to enter your Council Tax number which is stated on your Council Tax statements. Without a Council Tax reference, you are unable to use this form and should call MiPermit to apply for a permit. As well as the information above, MiPermit will require:

  • Proof of residency dated within the last 3 months.

Please be aware that without the correct documentation your application will be rejected and you may need to reapply.