Dispensation Permit Purchase

Welcome to Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council's Dispensation purchase portal.

On the next page you will have the choice to purchase 3 different types of permits. Firstly select whereabouts you need your dispensation to apply. At each location you will have a choice of up to three different permit types which are detailed below.

  • Green Dispensation Permits
    • This is available for immediate purchase via the MiPermit website and is for use in the following parking restrictions only:
      • Limited Waiting Bays
      • Resident Parking Bays
      Parking a vehicle with a Green Dispensation in any other type of restricted area (such as on a yellow line restriction) may result in a Penalty Charge Notice. The cost of the Green Dispensation is £16.50 per vehicle per day and is only valid on the road specified when purchasing. For more information please contact Parking Services Team on 01302 735041
  • Yellow Dispensation Permits
    • This is for use on the following restrictions only:
      • Single Yellow Lines
      • Double Yellow Lines
      • Loading Bays
      A Yellow Dispensation does not allow you to park in areas covered by Green Dispensations. Doing so may result in a Penalty Charge Notice. The cost of a Yellow Dispensation is £16.50 per vehicle, per day and is only valid on the road specified when purchasing. It is not transferable between roads. Please purchase a Yellow Dispensation at least 5 working days before the date on which you intend to begin using the dispensation. When purchasing, the Parking Services Team will carry out an inspection of the area to ensure the vehicle(s) do not cause an obstruction, congestion or risk the safety of other motorists. If the location is not suitable, payment for the dispensation(s) will be deferred. If there is no alternative or the alternative is insufficient, the purchase will be cancelled and no money taken from the bank account provided. For further information contact Parking Services Team 01302 735041 email: [email protected] or in writing: Doncaster Council, Enforcement Team, Civic Office Waterdale, Doncaster, DN13BU
      You can purchase a Yellow Dispensation by clicking here and selecting ‘Dispensations - Yellow/Red' from product page.
  • Red Dispensation Permits (Any highway location)
    • This is for use on the following restrictions:
      • ALL / ANY Parking Restriction(s)
      The cost of a RED Dispensation is £16.50 per vehicle, per application and is only valid on the road specified when purchasing as agreed on application. It is not transferable between roads. RED Dispensations allow at least 5 working days before the date on which you intend to begin using the dispensation. When purchasing, the Parking Services Team will carry out an inspection of the area to ensure the vehicle(s) do not cause an obstruction, congestion or risk the safety of other motorists. If the location required is not suitable, payment for the dispensation(s) will be deferred. If there is no alternative or the alternative is insufficient, the purchase will be cancelled and no money taken from the bank account provided. For further information contact Parking Services Team 01302 735041 email: [email protected] or in writing: Doncaster Council, Enforcement Team, Civic Office Waterdale, Doncaster, DN13BU
      You can purchase a red dispensation by clicking here and selecting ‘Dispensations - Yellow/Red'' from product page.