Welcome to the Bristol City Council MiPermit Portal
This portal is designed to give you access to various types of ways to park your vehicles, be this at home, work or away visiting others. Please select an option to continue.
Digital Permits
Get parking permits to park in Bristol residents parking scheme areas
Residents Permits
Get resident parking permits for all residents areas except the Central Parking Zone
Visitors Permits
Get visitor parking permits for all residents areas
Business Permits
Get business permits. If your business has premises in a residents' parking area, you can apply for business and customer permits.
Liveable Neighbourhoods Bus Gate Exemption
Get a bus gate exemption for a Liveable Neighbourhood Area
EBLN Bus Gate Exemption: Disabled Tax Class
Get a bus gate exemption if you live in the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood Area (EBLN)and your vehicle has a Disabled Tax Class.
EBLN Bus Gate Exemption: Professional Carers
Get a bus gate exemption if you’re a professional carer who visits homes in the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood area (EBLN)
Additional Products or Services
You can also find out more information about how to use MiPermit, download our smartphone apps or contact us.
How it Works
Find out how MiPermit works and how to use all the different ways we can streamline your parking experience.
Contact MiPermit
Contact MiPermit should you have any questions about our service. You can contact us by email, phone or contact form.
Smartphone Apps
Find out more about our iPhone and Android smartphone apps and how to download them.