Residents' Permits
Existing users
If you are already a registered user login to the MiPermit portal to manage your digital parking permits.
Register for digital permits
To register for digital parking permits, you’ll need your council tax or business rates account number, your postcode and your property number.
You can only register for digital visitors' parking permits if you are a resident of that parking permit area. You don't need to own a vehicle to apply for visitors’ parking permits.
Call MiPermit on 0345 520 7007 if you have problems registering.
Get residents’ parking permits
Login to the MiPermit portal, select 'Buy Digital Permits' and then 'Residents permits'.
You’ll need your vehicle registration number and a credit or debit card to pay for your permit.
Use your residents’ parking permits
Your residents’ parking permit is a digital permit. You don't need to display any type of permit in your vehicle. Your permit will be active straight after your application has been approved and paid for.
If you’ve added two vehicle registration numbers to your permit you need to activate the required vehicle on the permit. You can do this in several ways:
- Login to MiPermit portal, select ‘Manage Digital Permits, and then ‘Residents permits’. Choose the permit you want to update and 'Select Active Vehicle' to change the active vehicle on the permit.
- Login to the MiPermit smartphone app, select Permits from the menu, then choose the permit you want to update. Select 'Edit' to change the active vehicle on the permit.
- Call MiPermit on 0345 520 7007
Please note, if you need to add a new vehicle or delete a vehicle registration from your account then you will need to call MiPermit on 0345 520 7007.
Manage your digital parking permits and your MiPermit account
To manage your digital parking permits, login to the MiPermit portal where you can:
- activate visitor permits
- cancel visitor permits that haven’t started yet
- change your password
- add other people to your account so that they can manage your permits and activate visitor parking permits. Any other permit owners that you add when buying your permits will automatically become members of your account, they can login using their own email address if you added it, using the forgotten password link on the login page to get access and create their own password.
- update any saved payment card details.
- view your payments and receipts.
- get additional permits.
- edit your active vehicles.
- find contact details
Verification of Information
As described further in the Terms & Conditions, the Council may contact you directly to verify any data provided as part of a parking permit application.
Parking permits terms and conditions
For full details see Bristol City Council Residents Parking Scheme terms and conditions
Bristol Clean Air Zone
For information about the Bristol Clean Air Zone and eligibility for exemption from the charge see
Apply for an exemption from the Bristol Clean Air Zone charge
You do not need a MiPermit account to apply for an exemption. If you do have a MiPermit account you can use the same login details to apply for an exemption.